Unlocking Happiness with PQ Coaching: Start the New Year Right

As the year winds down, many of us find ourselves in a reflective mood. We think about the highs and lows, the things we’d like to change, and how to create a happier, more fulfilling future. If happiness is on your New Year’s resolution list, Positive Intelligence (PQ) coaching could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

Happiness isn’t determined by external circumstances—it’s an inside game. Research shows that external events account for only about 10% of happiness variations. The rest is up to you. Your Positive Quotient (PQ) score, or "happiness score," reveals how often you operate from your Sage mindset. This is where empathy, curiosity, creativity, purpose, and decisive action live.

PQ coaching with Coach Jeanette helps you strengthen your mental muscles to silence those inner saboteurs that create stress and self-doubt. Instead, you’ll learn to embrace a Sage mindset, enabling you to handle challenges with calm, explore opportunities with wonder, and act with confidence and clarity.
As you prepare for the new year, ask yourself: Are you ready to quiet the noise and step into a life of deeper joy and fulfillment? Take the first step by identifying how you might be sabotaging your own happiness. 

Discover your saboteurs by taking the free test here: https://assessment.positiveintelligence.com/saboteur. Your brighter, happier year starts now!

Thank you for reading.


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