positive intelligence coaching

Positive Intelligence® 
A Mental Fitness Program

Do you self sabotage yourself, want to stop or even understand why?
What if I told you it was possible to have tools and strategies to build great Mental Fitness 
and stop the self-sabotaging!

Mental Fitness with Positive Intelligence®️ is all about building up the mental muscles that fuel your positive thoughts, leaving the negative ones weaker. This boost in mental strength is captured in your Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ) Assesment — a unique way to measure your Mental Fitness. PQ combines the latest insights from, Neuroscience and Cognitive and Positive Psychology.

If you want to discover your own Positive Intelligence Quotient? Take your PQ Assessment here: https://assessment.positiveintelligence.com/saboteur/overview

It could be thought of this way, if physical fitness lets you tackle a long hilly walk without feeling over strained, mental fitness would be akin to you taking on life’s biggest challenges with ease and resilience, feeling free from the drag of stress or other negative emotions.

Watch the Video below for more info.

Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. And that’s what our PQ Program empowers you to do.

The Positive Intelligence program is a six-week online course that guides you in your development of your mental fitness and resilience. Based on the book “Positive Intelligence: Why Only 20% of Teams and Individual Achieve Their True Potential and How You Can Achieve Yours by Shirzad Chamine”, a Stanford lecturer and executive coach. During the program you will learn how to recognize your negative mental thoughts/habits, or “Saboteurs”, and then how to strengthen or even change your neural mental pathways and create strong positive mental muscles, or “Sage’s”.

The Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ) Program includes the following:
  1. An assessment of Your Saboteur Assessment.
  2. A daily app-guided session that will help you learn how to focus on more positive habits.
  3. Positive Intelligence: Why Only 20% of Teams and Individual Achieve Their True Potential and How You Can Achieve Yours by Shirzad Chamine
  4. A weekly video session introducing Positive Intelligence concepts and practice skills.
  5. A digital copy of the book
  6. Three 60-minute coaching sessions with Coach Jeanette
Further details:

The six week program will require you to:
  1. Taking the Saboteur Assessment
  2. Visiting the App daily, for a total of 15 minutes
  3. Reading at least the first 8 chapters of the book Positive Intelligence: Why Only 20% of Teams and Individual Achieve Their True Potential and How You Can Achieve Yours by Shirzad Chamine
  4. A 60-minute coaching session on Saturdays every 2 weeks
The program will require from me to You:
  1. A 60-Minute Coaching session to Review of your Saboteur Assessment
  2. Three Bi-Weekly Coaching session of 50 minutes
  3. Option to continue Bi-Weekly coaching sessions after 3rd session at a deeply discounted fee
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© Copyright Coach Jeanette